Winter In Cyprus.
1. We were to have a most enjoyable stay over winter at Karpaz Gate Marina, but unfortunately we had to return to the UK frequently for Medical checks on Ginny's health which had deteriorated badly over the later stages off summer. This meant that we generally spent 3 weeks in Cyprus followed by three weeks back in UK repeating the process 4 times over winter. This was a tricky period for all of us but am now delighted that Ginny's health has much improved recently due to diagnosis and successful medication. We were on the point of putting Kisti Two up for sale but have decided to continue our adventures and seagypsie lifestyle to see how we get on. So the adventure continues and we will soon be heading off to Turkey again.
2. This post is intended to provide an insight of life at Karpaz Gate Marina, our visits back to UK of which the highlight this last winter was the marriage of our daughter Zoe to Tom Radley in October and a few pics of Kisti Two taken while preparing to sell her in order to provide a small insight into our home on the sea.
3. We must also thank Louise, Ginny's sister for accommodating us so often over winter and allowing us the use of her car which allowed us to visit Mary Glanville up at Scotland and friends on the south coast. We have to admit the cold and often atrocious weather we experienced in the UK convinced us to proceed with our sailing!
Concorde Museum, Bristol.
4. We must thank Digby Player for organising a most interesting financial brief for all his clients but most importantly for holding it at the Bristol Concorde Museum which has only just opened. It was a fascinating visit to be able to take a close look at this wonderful supersonic passenger plane and learn all about its development and history. Very well worth a visit.
Concorde Museum. |
Concord Engine Display. |
Concorde Flight Deck. |
Ginny And Louise At The Concorde Museum. |
Visits To Isle Of Wight.
5. These frequent trips back to the UK allowed us to visit Kate and Rob on the Isle Of Wight several times this last winter. They have sorted their house now which certainly looks fabulous but more importantly, we were delighted to meet Enzo, their new addition to the family in the form of a gorgeous black Labrador. He is certainly fit, strong and utterly charming.
Ferry To Cowes. |
UK Weather, Cowes! |
Pub Walk With Kate, Rob And Enzo. |
Louise Showing Us UK Market Shopping! |
Guy Enjoying UK Weather And Travelling! Not. |
Zoe And Toms Wedding.
6. Our youngest daughter Zoe married Tom Radley at the end of October at the Great Fosters Hunting Lodge. It was a most wonderful day enjoyed by family, friends and their workmates. We wish them all the best for the future and we look forward to dropping into them when returning to the UK. The new sofa bed is a great addition for a nights comfortable sleep. Thank you for all those that attended, especially the Glanville Scottish contingent, to help witness this great event. Here are a few pictures of the glorious day.
Great Fosters Wedding Location. |
Louise, Zoe And Ginny Preparing For The Wedding. |
The Best Men And Groom. |
Pre-Wedding Drink. |
The Happy Couple And Bridesmaids. |
Guy And Zoe Walking Down The Isle. |
The Serious Stuff, Vows! |
What A Relief! |
Signing The Wedding Register. |
Whoop, Whoop. |
Soooo Happy. |
The Immediate Glanville Family. |
The Whole Wedding Group. |
The Larger Glanville Family Group. |
The Maze Of Life Ahead. |
The Grand Hall Wedding Breakfast. |
Cutting The Cake Ceremony. |
The Wedding Dance. |
Farmagusta Visits.
7. We managed a couple of visits to Farmagusta and what a fascinating and historical place it is. The Cathedral which has now been turned into a mosque built by the Crusaders within a castle are incredible to visit. You cannot help but be inspired by what was achieved so many years ago by the crusaders. In fact Guy read one of his most enjoyable books over winter on the history of the 5 Crusades which looked at both sides of the picture, the Muslim side and the Crusaders. It is fascinating and gives an excellent insight into the complex problems of today.
Farmargusta Market. |
Farmagusta Cathedral, Now A Mosque! |
The Cathedral Turned Into A Mosque. |
Nothing Quite Like EFES On A Hot Day In Farmagusta. |
Farmagusta Castle. |
The Old Church Doors. |
Roman Sarcophagus. |
Ginny At The Cathedral/Mosque Entrance. |
A Useful Explanation. |
The Central Hall Of The Cathedral/Mosque. |
The Outside Walls Of The Cathedral/Mosque. |
The Cake Shop. |
Turkish Monument And Castle, Farmagusta. |
Life At Karpaz Gate Marina.
8. Karpaz Gate Marina is a wonderful marina to spend winter. The facilities are excellent, the price 1/5 of a years berth in a UK marina and the staff so helpful and friendly. While a little isolated, there is more than enough to occupy yourselves with a small but friendly community, Tuesday film nights, some lovely walks to restaurants and the outstanding gym. Guy attacked to Gym with the help of Mr Motivator (Dave) who also inspired Ginny to work hard at her Pilate's. The sad part of our stay was that the friendly marina dog who used to accompany us on walks sadly passed away. There were several storms over winter with enormous waves but none affected us in the marina. It is such a safe spot to stay in all winds and weather, the water so clean and nill growth on the hull over winter. We strongly recommend it as a winter haven and we are returning next winter to stay again.
Local Monday Market. |
Karpaz Gate Storm. All Calm In The Marina. |
Enjoying The Local Restaurants With Ali. |
Sunday Walk Looking Back At The Marina. |
Walking The Marina Dog On Sunday. |
The Rugged Coastline. |
The Marina Dog, Karha. |
Guy Enjoying Christmas Breakfast. |
Christmas Lamb. |
New Years Eve Party Time In KGM. |
Storms Outside The Marina. |
Waves Smash The Marina Wall, But All Is Calm Inside. |
Storm Waves At The Entrance To KGM. |
Sunday Pub Lunch. |
Marina Dog Accompanies Us To The Local Pub. |
Peace And Tranquillity In The Marina. |
View Of The Coastline From Our Walk. |
More UK Visits!
9. We even managed to get up to Scotland and stay with Mary Glanville and meet the Henderson Scottish clan. It was also good to see the ever larger Enzo who just gets stronger by the day. We enjoyed a Mothers Day meal with both daughters on the Isla of Wight and met up with Guys brother Alan and partner Liz on a couple of occasions.
Fishing Fleet Of Kirkubright. |
A Scottish Marina! |
Ginny Walking Young Enzo. |
A Shattered Enzo. |
The Energetic Enzo, Swim And Sticks. |
Kate, Ginny And Zoe Enjoying Mothers Day Meal. |
Lunch With Alan And Liz In Exeter |
Karpaz Gate Marina.
10. The later half of winter was punctuated by lightning storms accompanied by hail, Ginny's Birthday party, pub lunches, walks and the gym.
The Rugged And Rocky Coastline Of North Cyprus. |
Sunday Lunch At The Local. |
Kisti Two All Washed Up. |
A Typical KGM Sunset. |
Painting The Rusty Gas Bottles For Summer. |
A Thunderous Hail Storm. |
Golf Ball Hail Stones. |
Ginnys Birthday Party. |
The Birthday Cake And Sea Gypsie Friends. |
Party Time. |
Ginny With Guy And Dave ( Mr Motivator ) |
Preparing Kisti Two For Sale.
11. There was a period when we thought we may have to sell Kisti Two so in preparation, Guy started to take plenty of pictures. Thankfully, we are continuing on with our adventure but we have included several photographs here of Kisti Two to give you an insight of her layout, something we have not done before, to show you our small home.
The Bow Cabin. |
The Bow Double Bed And Guest Room. |
Bow Storage Under The Bunks. |
The Stern Cabin. |
Saloon 200Ltr Top Water Tank. |
Saloon 100Ltr Top Diesel Tank. |
The Starboard Saloon Seats. |
Port Side Food Storage Under Saloon Seating. |
Mr D's Thermal Cooker. |
Some Of The Safety Equipment. |
Sail Repair Bag. |
Battery Box Under Stern Bunk. |
The Furling Cruising Chute. |
Port Side Saloon Sleeping Lee Cloth. |
The Saloon And Forward Cabin From The Cockpit Entrance. |
Skippers Desk. |
Part Of The Wiring And Navigation Equipment. |
The Galley. |
Looking Back To The Stern Cabin, The Rassy Tunnel. |
Looking Forward To The Bow Cabin. |
The Switch Panel. |
The Galley Cooking And Brew System. |
Skippers Chart Table. |
Sailing Nowhere! |
The Engine Room. |
Galley At Work. |
The 55HP Yanmar Diesel Engine. |
The Heads From Above Hatch Window. |
Boat Preparation And Life At Karpaz Gate Marina.
12. Life at the marina was always busy with sea gypsies coming and going, boat preparation for summer cruising and chillaxing at the wonderful beach club. Never a dull day.
Ozzie Geoff, My EFES Mate. |
Guy Applying Teak Wonder To The Deck. |
Chillax Time At The Pool. |
Guy Polishing Kisti Two On The Hard. |
Guy Polishing Up The Prop. |
Guy Polishing Up For A Shave. |
Outboard Starts First Time After Service! |
Kisti Two Ready To Go Back In. |
Guy Assisting The Neighbours. |
KGM Beach Club Pool. |
Local Yenikerenkoy Mosque. |
Enjoying Daily Fresh Fruit. |
The Beach Club Lagoon. |
Selfie At The Pool. |
Cool Down Time. |
KGM Sunset From The Hemingway's Bar Veranda |
13. It has been a very busy and disjointed winter tooing and frowing from UK but we are now much fitter, Ginny from medication and Guy from hard work in the gym. Kisti Two had a useful week out the water where we completed several useful jobs and polished her up as new. Guy has been up the mast to check the rig, the decking has been well Teak Wondered and the engine well serviced. The bilges have been cleaned out and all the cabins given an excellent once over. Life is fun at Karpaz Gate and the staff so friendly and helpful. We now look forward to heading off again and resuming the blog! Such fun.