The weather has improved enormously over the last month and we are now ready to continue our voyage East towards the Mediterranean after replacing our domestic batteries. The weather was glorious on 16 April, so we decided to pop out of Lagos Marina for a few days sailing and anchoring in Portimao again to check out Kisti Two. We enjoyed calm seas, bright sunshine and steady winds all day before disaster struck! Guys hat, 5 years old and now looking like a storks nest, was blown off his head into the sea just after anchoring. A delighted Ginny jumped around the deck in joy while Guy stared in disbelief as his favourite sailing hat floated away out to sea as he said the last rights.
Guys 'Stork' Sailing Hat Of 5 Years |
Ginny Jumps For Joy As Guy Can Only Point To That Hat Floating Away! |
Fishing Boat With Seagulls Returning To Portimao. |
A BBQ and a couple of beers soon restored moral in what we believe is a most wonderful and secure anchorage. It was great to be out again, just the two of us. However our domestic batteries once again discharged themselves on the second night despite plenty of solar and wind generator power to help. We concluded that we would need to consult the many experts at the Marina who all came to the conclusion they were not holding their charge. We had another lovely sunny sail out on the 17th and then a windy return back to Portimao on the 18th April.
Beer & BBQ - Moral Restored |
The Portimao Anchorage |
Our friends Jan & Pat came out to visit us and the Algarve for the first time. They stayed in the glorious Tivoli Hotel much recommended by all and we all managed a days sail out in the bay. This was their first sail and the weather could not have been more perfect. Two burnished bodies at the end of the day.
Lunch Spot In Lagos |
Pat At The Helm Outside Lagos |
Jan Stuck To The Cockpit |
After a few days discussion with experts, we called in the very nimble electrics magician, 70 year old John Holloway to come and check our electrics. He confirmed the batteries were dead so we ordered 3 new AGM 140 Amph (total 420 Amph) Leoch batteries from UK (cheaper than purchasing in Portugal) and a NASA Compact Amph meter that would allow us to monitor our power generation and usage more accurately than our Voltmeter. John did a wonderful job of installing it (Guys DIY being legendary for disasters) and we then had a very sad night monitoring our old batteries. They proved to be very weak.
John Holloway Installing The Amphmeter.
Please Note Our Old RGR Sailing Association Commodores Burgee.
Any Other Members Out There? |
The New NASA Compact Amphmeter Monitor Top Left. |
We had a few days to wait for the new batteries so decided to go out for another sail to Portimao again this time in the company of two other yachts. Chris & Lorraine on Somoya with their light blue (RAF) duster and Liz & Dave Jolly on Kjempekjekk from Fowey. This gave us the ideal opportunity to take pictures of each others yachts under sail. We enjoyed a glorious sail in light winds and gorgeous sunshine on 1st May (10GR's Birthday) across the bay while the crew relaxed on the deck. The pictures below say it all!
Kisti Two Under Sail Of Lagos |
Chris & Lorraine On Somoya To Starboard |
Skipper Celebrating 10GR's Birthday
With New Hat!! |
Kisti Two In Front Of Portimao |
Ginny All Smiles. |
Kisti Two Off Lagos Grottoes |
Kisti Two Sailing Under Autopilot |
Kisti Two Happy Under Canvas |
Crew Hard At Work On The Tan |
Another Day In Paradise On Board Kisti Two |
We all anchored in Portimao and then Ginny swam to each yacht and invited them over for a BBQ on board Kisti Two. It was a glorious evening a most delicious BBQ.
Liz, Petra, Mike, Ginny, Chris, Lorraine and Dave Enjoying
The BBQ On Board Kisti Two |
The following day saw a re-enactment of Sir Francis Drakes attack on Feraguda as we all launched dinghies to visit the town and enjoy the renown Sardines for lunch.
RAF Pathfinders Leading The Way About To Sink! |
Lovely Narrow Street Of Feraguda |
Sardines Being Cooked On The Quay |
Feraguda Castle |
We all went round to KJEMPEKJEKK (say that after you have had a few) on the evening of 2nd May for a few drinks and snacks as the sun set and the large Ocean Liner departed with horns blasting. Our recollection is that we only returned to Kisti Two on 3rd May! Thanks Liz & Dave.
Ocean Liner Departing Portimao |
Sunset & Drinks On Kjempekjekk |
Sunset Again In Portimao |
A Delightful Old Local Portuguese Sailing Yacht |
The weather became very hot (30C) and the teak deck was difficult to walk on so we decided to try out our home made basher awnings. After several attempts and modifications, we are now experts and can raise them in 15 minutes and take them down in 10 minutes. The weather was exceedingly hot for a few days and the shade they provided to us and the deck will be beneficial later in the year. They are very flexible and can be adjusted with ease to block the sun. Guys jungle training proving useful at last!
Kisti Two Sun Awnings Trial. |
Our favourite bar throughout our stay has been the Marina Bar run by Derry and his excellent staff. They have all made us most welcome and Michelle (Geordie) gets a special mention for her delightful smile, charm and you can guess the rest....... Many thanks to Derry for showing all the Rugby including the Army V Navy match and to Michelle, delightful Marina, handsome Jake and Happy Enoch for being the perfect team. We wish you all the best and hope to catch up soon.
Drinks At marina Bar With Michelle, Lorraine & Chris |
The Smile Says It All...... |
Guy, Ginny & Morecambe!!!!!! |
The social scene shows no sign of slowing up so we need to get moving again. The sea gypsies life is one big party. We will miss it but we must move on and experience pastures new. We have even met up with Tony who joined 10GR on the 5 Nations Defence wargame exercise to New Zeeland as our Gunner representative some 30 years ago. Its a small world........
The Gang Out Again! |
Tony (right) & His Charming Son |
Liz Enjoying PORT Ice Cream. |
At last the batteries have arrived and are now all sorted. Many thanks to John Holloway for his excellent help. Can't wait to get moving again.
Guy With The New Batteries In Their Box Under Our Bed.
OK, No Jibes Please........ |
Starter Battery, 3 Domestic Batteries, Mastervolt Inverter
And Mastervolt Charger All Sorted. |
We say a big farewell to all those we have met in Lagos. The 6 months have flown bye and it has been a most enjoyable winter. The camaraderie and friendliness of the sailing community has no bounds. We will miss Lagos enormously, not least the gym, pool and very friendly Portuguese, but also the scenery, bars, restaurants, sunsets and beach walks. Sailors come and go and now it is our time to move on. Salaams to one and all in Lagos. Das Ki Jai.
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