Kalamata To Elaia 27 To 30 July 2016.
The next 3 days were spent sailing around the very barren and sparse peninsular of Manis, the middle finger of the Peloponnese with buildings to match! We departed Kalamata on Wednesday 27 July and headed SE along the coast with the usual problem of sails up and down, engine on and off. It was amazing harsh scenery along the coast and we eventually settled after 38 NM for the night anchored in what can only be described as a ‘Martian’ bay called Limeni surrounded by the strangest of buildings. The grey/brown blocks with blank black windows are Maniote houses in walled compounds. The one we photographed is actually a neo-Maniote complex which is a hotel! but all along the coast here there are small groups of buildings in the original style and looking deserted. We assume they must be lovely and cool in this harsh, hot environment.
Approaching Limeni Bay With The Maniote Bildings. |
Limeni. |
Maniote Style Hotel. |
We completed the short trip round to Diros Bay early on Thursday morning, anchored in beautiful turquoise sea and went ashore to explore the amazing caves of Piros Dirou. We were punted around the caves very expertly for about 40 minutes with all forms of stalagmites and stalactites on display. It is an incredible complex of caves with plenty of other routes to visit. Well worth a visit. The bay also has excellent holding.
Diros Ba. |
The Punts For The Cave Tour. |
What Does He Look Like?? |
The Colours Of The Cave. |
Fascinating Cave Scener. |
Stalactites In Natural Colour. |
What A Big Boy! |
Wheres Ginny? |
Diros Bay Exit From The Caves With Kisti Two At Anchor. |
Porto Kayio
After a quick swim, we headed on down south along the coast amazed at the desolation of it all and strange buildings which are no doubt well suited to the heat of the area. We sailed round the lighthouse at the southern tip of Tainaron and turned up north only to be smacked by some interesting gusts of 30 knot winds which went up and down like a yoyo and changed direction all over. We dropped the main and sailed into Port Kayio, a small sheltered bay in which it proved difficult to find a safe anchorage due to several boats in the bay. We found a good spot on our third attempt when a large Gin Palace came in and dropped anchor. It later prevented us seeing any stars as it lit up the bay with all its lights above and below water. Are they scared of the dark or something? Apart from that, it was a lovely bay with a couple of tavernas, clear water and interesting architecture.
The Barren Landscape. |
NAC! Not Another Cave Or Castle. 2 At Once! |
Lighthouse At Tainaron. |
Guy Relieved After 3rd Anchor Attempt In Port Kayio. |
Anchored At Last. Well Done Ginny. Port Kayio. |
The Barren Northern End Of Port Kayio. |
We departed Port Kayio at about 1000 hrs on Friday 29 July and headed north to sail around the Bay of Lakonikos eventually settling for an anchorage in the NE corner at a small Cornish type looking village of Elaia. A charming spot where we enjoyed a good run ashore amongst Greek tourists. This was a little gem of a place with good sand holding in the south west corner of the small harbour. Recce carefully before dropping.
Cruising Along Nicely. Catch Up Dave! |
A Glorious Sail. |
Elaia. |
Elaia To The Bay Of Frangos On The Island Of Elafonisos 30 July To 1 August 2016.
On Guys 60th Birthday, we upped anchor at 0800 and had a most enjoyable sail down the east coast of the Bay of Lakonikos along the 3rd finger of the Peloponnese, the Peninsular of Elous to the southern tip and then around the Island of Elafonisos. We sailed into the stunning bays of Sarakiniko and Frangos where strong winds created quite a swell . We anchored in the easterly bay, Frangos which was protected a little from the swell by the strand between the two bays. This was another turquoise bay, of gorgeous crystal clear water on top of white sand. A most stunning spot and an excellent place to celebrate such an important day. A few Mythos at sunset were all that was required to enjoy such an important day and Guy is now half way to the next lump sum!! The weather calmed down and so we stayed for 2 most enjoyable nights in this stunning bay with turquoise waters and such clear water that Guy was able to give Kisti Two’s hull a thorough clean. Who needs to go to the Caribbean when you have this on your doorstep?
Elafonisos Island. |
Approaching Fringes Bay. |
The Stunning Fringes Bay And Ginny! |
Frangos Bay With The Causeway And Sarakiniko. |
Kisti Two In Frangos Bay. |
Guy Checking The Anchor. |
Frangos Bay. Just Stunning. |
Siesta Time For Guy On His Birthday! |
Sarakiniko Bay. |
Kisti Two Anchored In Frangos Bay. |
Ginny On Kisti Two In Frangos Bay. |
The Anchor Chain. |
Kisti Twos Clean Belly. |
Kisti Two's Prop And Keel With Anchor Chain At The Bow. Such Lovely Clean Water. |
Sunset In Frangos Bay. |
Elafonisos To Chania, West Crete 1 To 5 August 2016.
We reluctantly departed Frangos Bay at 0600 on Monday 1 August and set sail for Crete some 90 NM away. We motor sailed south to maintain 6 knots along the east coast of the Island Of Kithera and passed an interesting wreck before turning SW towards Chania on Crete. It was to prove a long 13 hour trip mostly motor sailing and we arrived in the small old Venetian Port of Chania, dropped our anchor, reversed and tied up alongside the Quay in the last spare slot. We were 10 meters from The Brewhouse. Purrrfect! Thats until night came along with the crowds and loud music!! Still, there was no drunken loutish behaviour to keep us awake unlike Weymouth and Cowes to name 2 English ports and because they behave properly, you are served drinks in glasses instead of plastic cups.
Chania Harbour Wall. |
Ahhhh, This Is The Life. |
Cant Get Much Better Than This? |
Sunset from The Balcony. |
Kisti Two 10m From The Brew House In Chania Harbour. |
Chania Night Life. |
Chania Harbour Waterfront. Packed With Hungry Thirsty Tourists And Us! |
We were here to meet my brother who was due to arrive on the 4th August. It proved to be a fascinating Port whose tourist industry has flourished. It was very hot, a little swelly and very noisy at night until the early hours in the morning. The saving grace were the shower facilities that although basic had the most freezing cold water that was excellent for cooling down hot roasted bodies. The restaurants, shops, and little alleyways were many and fascinating. We managed to re-stock and wash all our clothes in the laundry. A beach not far away provided a useful respite from the heat as well. Spiros, the Harbour Master is a very helpful man and the cheap cost of staying compared to a Marina more than helped pay for the more expensive costs of eating and drinking. Chania certainly comes alive at night with hordes of people along the quay and Kisti Two was in a prime spot for watching the girls go bye. We were able to enjoy some glorious sunsets and take in the lovely old Venetian lighthouse, Castle and warehouses. A fascinating place with a lively but dignified nightlife.
It Was Very Hot! Lunch Time Pit Stop. |
Venetian Boat Sheds And Sponge Sellers. |
The Venetian Boat Sheds. |
The Venetian Armoury And Kisti Two Anchored On The Quay. |
The Old Mosque And Chania Waterfront. |
The Venetian Lighthouse. |
Alan & Liz arrived late on 4 August and were given a quick walk around the old town of Chania before we settled down for a wonderful meal and then returned to The Brewhouse for a couple of drinks. We left them enjoying more drinks before they sensibly returned to cross the gangplank back onto Kisti Two. No easy task in the swell of the port.
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