A Wonderful Week Sailing From Bozburun To Marmaris Around The SW Corner Of Turkey Between Symi & Rhodes. 24 - 31 August 2018.
The Route From Bozburun (1) To Sogut Koyu (2), Then To Bozuk Boku (3) For 2 Days Before Heading To Ciflik Island (4) And Finally To Marmaris Yacht Marine In Marmaris Bay (5). |
1. Bozburun To Sogut Cove And The Octopus Restaurant. 24 - 25 August 2018. We left Bozburun unable to pump out as the pooo pump system was being repaired but we did fill our water tanks. Feeling rejuvenated and fully stocked up we departed at 1015 hrs and motored the short distance south around the various islands of Sogut Cove and finally decided to tie up to the wooden jetty of the Octopus Restaurant. This is normal procedure here as you get a free berth as long as you eat in the restaurant which is a perfectly fair deal, however some mariners sadly abuse this hospitality. We had a delightful time in Sogut Cove and enjoyed a thoroughly good meal at the Octopus Restaurant sat out on the pier. The head waiter was a bit rude, but the rest of the staff were very hospitable and friendly. The setting was fantastic and we look forward to retuning, especially to the useful swimming area which we frequented as the temperatures by day were at least 40C.
Departing Bozburun. |
Motoring Around The Sogut Islands. |
Sogut Cove. |
Tied Up To Octopus Restaurant Pier. Sogut Bay. |
Kisti Two Tied Up To Octopus Pier. |
Beer Time Post Swim. 1800 And Still 40C! |
The Octopus Pier From The Restaurant. |
The Swimming Pool. |
2. Sogut Cove To Bozuk Buku, The Ancient Fortress And Sailors House. 25 - 27 August 2018. We departed Octopus Restaurant Pier at 0930 hrs on 25 August after a swim and breakfast and soon were sailing gently under Main and Genoa. We tacked around the Cove for some time getting nowhere so motor sailed out to round the most SW corner of Turkey, Karaburun Lighthouse. We then had a leisurely sail up to the entrance of Bozuk Buku (Broken Down Bay) and what an amazing and beautiful cove. The ancient fortress wall can be seen easily and certainly dominates the area that was a sight of another ancient city called Loryma. The bay was used to assemble a large Naval Fleet by Demetrius Polioketes to attack Rhodes in 395BC which included his enormous siege catapult machines weighing 125 tons and 9 storeys high! The siege failed so he sold the siege machines and donated the money to the Rhodians who used it to build the bronze statue of Hellos across the harbour entrance that became one of the seven wonders of the world. We tied up with help from 'Asterix', the local marinero, to Sailors House Pier who were to serve us good simple food and cold beer. We walked up to the fortress on 26 August at 1100 hrs and it was exceedingly hot. The Sailors House dog led us on the route marked with blue spots all the way up and was always concerned for our welfare when we split up on the castle to do our own exploration. He kept a close watch on us always ensuring we did not get lost. After being amazed by the walls and stunning views all around, including across to Rhodes, we turned back and enjoyed a well earned pit-stop at another restaurant complete with toilet and a most stunning view of the bay. We enjoyed several swims in the stunning turquoise waters and Guy helped 'Asterix' to tie up several boats to the pier. We enjoyed a wonderful BBQ that evening of sausages from Bozburun. We loved this Bozuk Bay and wanted to stay but lack of communication meant we had to move on.
Close Encounter With A Steaming Gullet. Rules Of The Road Not Always Applied Here! |
Sailor's House Pier. |
Kisti Two And 2 Others Tied Up To Sailor's House Pier |
View From Castle Walls Into Bozuk Bay. We Walked Over The Hill On The Left Of Photo. |
Ginny Sat On Castle Wall. |
The Long Beautifully Built Wall. |
Ginny On The Wall. |
The Long And Imposing Wall With Boku Bay Entrance Around The Corner. |
The Intrepid Indianna Jones!! |
Yachts Coming Into And Departing The Bay. |
Rhodes In The Distance With Anchored Gullet In Bay Entrance. |
Ginny With Our Guide Dog On The Fortress Wall. |
Ginny Providing Scale To The Size Of Stone Blocks Used On The Wall. |
Buddha Phoning Daughters Using Greek 3G With Rhodes (Greek Island) In The Background |
Pit Stop In The First Restaurant. |
Now That's What We Call A Toilet With A View. |
Back To Sailor's House Pier. Just Delightful. |
A Much Need Swim. |
Brothers In Arms, Guy And 'Asterix' |
3. Bozuk Bay To Cifltlik Island Via Serce Cove. 27 - 28 August 2018. We departed Bozuk Cove at 0845 and headed out around the corner to look at Serce Limani through a narrow entrance of high cliffs into a large natural landlocked harbour. We enjoyed a quick recce and decided to continue on. We headed up along the coastline enjoying the barren scenery until we came to Cifltlik Island and found an excellent anchorage at 1445 hrs away from the 4 very full and noisy restaurant piers. The Meltemi blows down strongly from the cliffs so we laid out 90m of chain and enjoyed a peaceful nights sleep despite strong winds. It is a beautiful bay but spoilt by a few old and deserted hotels.
Departing Sailor's House. |
The Imposing Walls Of The Fortress From The Sea. |
The Very Barron Hot Coastline. |
Serce Entrance Well Hidden With Bays Left And Right. |
Serce SW Anchorage. |
Serce NE Anchorage. |
Exiting Serce Natural Harbour. |
A Smiling Buddha At The Wheel. |
Anchored Off Ciftlik Island. |
Ciftlik Bay. |
4. Ciftlik Island To Marmaris Yacht Marine. 28 - 31 August 2018. We departed Ciftlik at a comfortable 0845 hrs and sailed round the headland then up north to Marmaris Bay under Genoa alone. Unfortunately we hit the rush hour of Gullets departing Marmaris at 1000hrs and despite us sailing, they stormed out under power in straight lines forcing us to take evasive action on 2 occasions to prevent a collision, one of which was only a metre apart! We survived and went round to Marmaris Yacht Marina which proved to be an excellent spot to rest, resupply, meet friends and make enquiries for future work. The Marina has excellent facilities, a very well priced and quality restaurant, a most useful happy hour and a swimming pool to relax in the heat of the day. There are shops available and an excellent chandlery although a bit pricey due to high taxes on imports. There are all the services available for engines, sails and general repair or stainless steel work. We had our bowsprit straightened and it was completed in a day to a very high standard. The only trick is to stay for a month and not daily as it will be far cheaper. We plan on getting some work done here on our return. We met up and enjoyed several drinks and meals with Ushi and Michael, our German friends from Licata days who we had not seen for a couple of years. We went into Marmaris itself but were not impressed, just another large tourist resort with expensive restaurant and much noise. We were much happier in the marina. We stayed put while a strong Meltemi blow raged outside for a couple of days. We refuelled and pumped out in preparation for our departure on 31 August. Guy loved the diesel bowser on the back of a motorbike. So useful for the pontoons. Marmaris is a big sailing centre and has all the facilities and experience you would ever need to get any job completed.
Departing Ciftlik. |
A Gullet Actually Taking Action To Avoid A Collision. |
Just Love The Floating Umbrellas In Marmaris. |
Where Are You Mary Poppins? |
Diesel Resupply Bowser, So Practical. |
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